Stella Maris Contemplatives (Cloisterites)


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Lay Cloisterites
Cloisterite Resources

"Horarium" is Latin for "schedule."
The hermits living in the world adapt the following timetable to their own circumstances.  Cloisterite eremites who live in a laura attached to the cenobium will follow the same horarium as their cenobitic brothers and sisters.
The contemplative-active Cloisterites will follow an horarium more conducive to their way of life.

 5:30 am                       Rise
 6:00                             Angelus; Meditation in oratory
 7:00                            Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite, followed by Matins
 8:30                            Breakfast
 9:00                            Work/Novitiate classes (smaller offices prayed at workstations)
12:00                           Angelus in refectory; lunch
 1:00 pm                       Recreation for 30 minutes
 1:30                            Siesta for 30 minutes
 2:00                            Work
 3:00                            Recognition of the Divine Mercy; light collation
 5:00                            Vespers, then Supper
 6:00                            Angelus at beginning of recreation; Recreation
 7:00                            Compline, followed by Salve Procession
 8:00                            Great silence after Salve Procession; free time
 8:30                            Retire; nocturnal adorations begin
10:00                           Lights out
Each monk or nun will keep 30 minutes of adoration during the day.  Once the gym is set up, they will also have 30 minute workouts daily.
Sundays will include more time for prayer and relaxation.  The Sacred Sabbath Rest is between the hours of 2 and 4 pm.

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Click here to return to the Stella Maris Contemplatives Cenobitic Vocation

Our Lady of the Cloister, pray for us!