Leonie League for the Advancement of Autistic Persons (Leonie League)

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The Leonie League is an online ministry of the ACMM Dr. St. Gianna's Assistants for Life (DGAL). The League was brought under the DGAL third order as a ministry due to the literal dangers for autism from euthanasia in some countries. This is why DGAL membership is so important in the life of a CAMM/ACMM Autism Minister.

At present, the League is internet-based. However, whatever a CAMM/ACMM Autism Minister can do both locally and in one's parish to assist those on the Spectrum will be acceptable as a ministry.

Discerners drawn to religious life dedicated to ministry to the autistic sub-culture -- through our initiatives -- will work with the Leonie League as a CAMM Autism Minister.

Discerners will spend the first year on the DGAL Groups.io subgroup, developing their ministry. They will also be on the Leonie League subgroup, asking questions as to where they (the minister) should look as far as mission fields are concerned.

The next two years will be on the CAMMFormation subgroup. They will need to discern if they are called to the CAMM or the ACMM. If they intend to become an ACMM, they will move on after two years. If not, they will be permitted to make CAMM dedicated laity promises after two years.

If moving forward, they will be invited to join the ACMM Seton Seminary list for two years of novitiate. The three years following seminary are known as Missioner. One receives the title of Sister or Brother at seminary entrance.

If others are attracted to living a vowed life on behalf of the Spectrum, the group may begin discernment regarding branching off. A period of experimentation will take place. They will discern what form of consecrated life they are being called to.

We request that replacement vocations for the ACMM be received before the group is permitted to branch off entirely. However, if the group wishes to leave, we have no control over their doing so.

Both high-functioning autistic and neurotypical vocations are needed. High-functioning Down Syndrome vocations are welcome, as well.

The founding members of the Leonie League are from the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. Since our founding, we have added international members to our prayer list, as well.