Augustinian Sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary
The Sisters of St. Augustine, Mercy of Jesus 1
The Sisters of St. Augustine, Mercy of Jesus 2
Benedictines of Grace and Compassion
The Bridgettine Order
Corpus Christi Carmelites:
Divine Charity:
Daughters of Divine Charity, English Province
Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Dominican Sisters of the English Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone Dominicans)
Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena of Newcastle (Bushey Dominicans)
Dominican Sisters of Malta
Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Littlehampton
Franciscan Sisters Minoresses
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
Handmaids of Mary:
Handmaids of Mary, Ministers to the Sick
Sisters of Mercy, Sunderland
Missionaries of Charity:
Missionaries of Charity Vocations
An alphabetizing category, not a shared spirituality.
Sisters of Nazareth
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
Working Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth ***new***
Our Lady of Fidelity:
Congregation of Our Lady of Fidelity
St. Marcellina
Sisters of St. Marcellina ***new***
St. Peter Claver:
Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver
Sisters of the Divine Savior 1
Sisters of the Divine Savior 2
Trinitarian Sisters of Valence
(French required for novitiate)
This website is in French. Information in English is available from the house in Bromley. Please note: correct post
code is BR1 3LL.
Trinitarian Sisters of Valence