ACMM Parish Workers Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister


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Private Lay Associations of Christ's Faithful are required to have a set of statutes.  Since the original statutes are not available due to their being archived on outdated computer media, we have amended our guiding document.

An international private lay association of Christ’s faithful, which does not have the intention of becoming an institute of religious life, dedicated primarily to the promotion of the cloisters and  emerging charisms, yet supportive of all vocations, to be known as the ACMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister.

Our manner of action is by any moral and legal means possible in the promotion and support of the religious life and the priesthood.   This may take the form of internet ministry; distribution of vocational literature; nun runs/monastic tours; parish vocation committees; and local meetings of Cooperators and/or Prayer Partners.

 Lay associations which do not have the intention of becoming institutes of religious life may be started to facilitate the vocations of those encountered.  Those wishing to start lay associations with the intention of becoming an institute of religious life shall be referred either to the Fullerton Society for Founders or the ACMM.  They will be referred to the latter only if attracted to the ministries found on the ACMM website.  The Fullerton Society is sponsored by the ACMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister.

The ACMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister government shall consist of:

Coordinator—responsible for all workings of the association; coordination point for information;

Cooperators—work with the Coordinator either via the internet or locally;

Prayer Partners—support the work of the ACMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister through prayer when not able to contribute otherwise.

The seat of government will be wherever the Coordinator is domiciled.

Should the members be desirous of such, distinctive garb/uniform may be adapted when engaged in the apostolate.

Among our long-term projects are the establishment of a new congregation dedicated to Our Lady of the Cloister.

If, at some time in the future, the association is in need of physical property for the sake of the apostolate, a board of directors and elevation to public association will be necessary.

Our patrons are: St. Joseph, patron of the Interior Life; St. Mary Magdalen, patron of contemplatives; St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, OCD; St. Rita of Cascia, OSA; St. Gertrude the Great, OSB; St. John of the Cross, OCD; St. Benedict, OSB; St. Bruno, O.Cart.; St. Romuald, OSB Cam; St. Joan of Arc and St. Michael the Archangel.

Membership to and taking leave of the association will be through correspondence with the Coordinator. 

Suppression will be either through two-thirds majority or Coordinator decision.

Statutes review will be yearly, or as needed.  All previous statutes are now considered obsolete.

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"Do not rouse my love until it please to wake."  (Song of Songs)