ACMM Parish Workers Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister

Claustral Oblates

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Claustral Oblates are "in house" oblates, who make yearly profession of vows, and wear a habit.  Some actually retain remunerative work outside the monastery.
Benedictines, particularly the monks of the American-Cassinese Congregation, have statutes governing claustral oblates.
The Passionist Nuns of Whitesville, KY, have the first female claustral oblates of our knowledge.  They are limited to two, and already have one.  They had to petition their order's Master General to obtain permission to have claustral oblates.
So, what is a discerner to do about a desire to be a claustral oblate?  ASK!  Ask the vocations director of the monastery to which you are attracted. 

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"Do not rouse my love until it please to wake."  (Song of Songs)