ACMM Parish Workers Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister

Monasteries in "Serious" Condition

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Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, Brooklyn, NY

When the Society first started, we segregated the monasteries into two lists--those who had adequate vocations, and those who did not.  Those in need of vocations were listed as "serious," just like humans in a hospital may be listed as being in "serious" condition.  We are now reviving this practice after receiving word of monasteries who are in more vocational dire straits than others.   

Please note that some monasteries were removed at their request.  Removal from the list does not mean they were suppressed.

Benedictine Nuns, Kylemore Abbey, Ireland

Handmaids of the Most Holy Trinity
23089 Adams Road
South Bend, Indiana 46628
(574) 272-9425
***Down to one sister!***

Passionist Nuns (Erlanger, KY)

Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood (Brooklyn, NY)

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O Most Holy Trinity, First Religious Community, Have Mercy on Us!

"Do not rouse my love until it please to wake."  (Song of Songs)