ACMM Parish Workers Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister


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Since so many of our brothers and sisters are cutting themselves off from Rome, and naming the new Mass as the reason, it gives one cause to pause in regard to what went wrong.
Here are the definitions of autocephalous; schismatic; and sedevacantist:
The "Autocephalous" communities, have their own "pope;"
The "Schismatics," don't have their own pope, but keep Tradition going more as Nostalgia than True Memory, and would rather be at odds with the Holy See; and
The "Sedevacantists," don't believe that Pope John Paul II is a true pope, and that there hasn't been a "real" pope since the death of Pope St. Pius X.
Ecclesia Dei Traditionalists are in communion with Rome, and follow the papal letter "Ecclesia Dei Afflicta."  They believe the Latin Mass to be more reverent than the Novus Ordo, but will attend the latter if in a pinch (or if there is no other choice).  ECCLESIA DEI TRADITIONALISTS HAVE THE POPE'S BLESSING!!!  We here at Cloister Outreach are Ecclesia Dei Traditionalists--NOT autocephalous, schismatic, or sedevacantist!!!

Part of the eremetical charism of the proposed Hermits of the Holy Ghost and Fr. Henkel is to bring about the reconciliation of autocephalous churches, schismatics, and sedevacantists with the Holy See. Please click here for the Hermits' webpage.

St. Padre Pio, pray for us!

"Do not rouse my love until it please to wake."  (Song of Songs)