Company of Charity of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (CCMM)

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Open Ministries (Emerging Charisms)

The following ministries have aspirants. We pray God's will to be done regarding their emergence into new religious communities.

Ministries are designated by the particular pins worn by the Ministers, e.g., Mariner's anchor for the Cloisterite Ministry; the Precious Feet surrounded by the Crown of Thorns for the Holy Innocents/Contemplatives of Life.

Contemplatives of Life

Gilbertine Restoration

Holy Angels Dominican Sisters

Sisters of the Holy Innocents & St. Gianna Molla

Stella Maris Contemplatives (Cloisterites)

We also have "general" ministries which would naturally fall under the CAMM/CCMM independent of the proposed/emerging ministries.

All Holy Vincentians, pray for us!