The Twelve Stars of Our Lady's Crown Which Represent the Twelve Great Mysteries of Her Holy Life:
1. The Immaculate Conception
2. The Nativity of Mary
3. The Presentation of Mary
4. The Espousals
5. The Annunciation
6. The Visitation
7. The Birth of Our Lord
8. The Presentation of the Child Jesus
9. Mary's Compassion at the Foot of the Cross
10. Pentecost
11. The Assumption
12. The Coronation

Chaplet of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (use regular rosary beads)
On the cross, say:
O Blessed Mother of God, I firmly believe and confess thy glorious assumption into Heaven. Mother
of Divine Grace, I believe and confess that thy Son bestowed this precious gift upon thee as a reward of thy life of angelic
purity and holy innocence. Mother Undefiled, protect me through life, and make my heart like thine.
On the large beads say: Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
On the small beads say: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Repeat the last ten small beads to make up the sixty-three invocations in honor of the sixty-three years
of our Blessed Mother's life.
At the end say the following prayer: Hail Queen full of glory, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst
women in thine Assumption! O thou clothed with the sun, the moon under they feet, and on thy head a crown of twelve
stars! And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, King of Glory. Holy Mary, Mother of God, and Queen of Heaven
and earth, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Consecration to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal:
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we dedicate and consecrate ourselves to thee under the title of
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. May this medal be for each one of us a sure sign of thy affection for us and a constant
reminder of our duties toward thee. Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by thy loving protection and preserved
in the grace of thy Son. O Most powerful Virgin, Mother of our Savior, keep us close to thee every moment of our lives.
Obtain for us, thy children, the grace of a happy death; so that, in union thee, we may enjoy the bliss of heaven forever.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (Three times).
The Twelve Stars; the Chaplet; and the Consecration were taken from the Miraculous Medal Prayer Manual with Devotions,