Company of Charity of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (CCMM)

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One of the distinguishing characteristics of this company will be the presence of recluses within the motherhouse.  If not within the motherhouse, then in the privacy of their own homes.

What is a recluse?  Recluses are usually found in "reclusories" in Europe, where they live an ultra-eremetical lifestyle.

Recluse, in the CCMM context, though, would typically be those sisters who have served in the mission field, but feel called by God to deepen their prayer life on behalf of the company.  However, we will be accepting aspirants to the recluses from the beginning of the foundational process.

The CCMM recluses will have a section of the motherhouse reserved entirely for them.  They will be charged with the responsibility of perpetual adoration.

The habit will have the same blue CCMM tunic, but will have a white elbow-length cape, 3-Way Pardon Crucifix, and white veil. 

The Recluses will live the CCMM rule, and permitted very limited external apostolates.

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