Secular Stella Maris Contemplatives (Lay Cloisterites)


Way of Life
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All lay associations of the faithful are to have a set of statutes.

Nature, Purpose and Name:

A private lay association of Christ's faithful without the intention of becoming an institute of religious life, to be known as the Secular Stella Maris Contemplatives, nickname, Lay Cloisterites.

The Lay Cloisterites pray for the increase and sanctification of the cloisters, contemplatives, and their vocations; for the success of the New Evangelization; for Founders; and lend their support prayers to dioceses without contemplatives.

One of the goals of the Lay Cloisterites is the foundation of institutes of religious life named for either Our Lady of the Cloister or Maria Stella Maris.


Those interested in becoming Lay Cloisterites are to contact the CCMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister, at the email address given on the Contact Us page.

Separation from the association must be in writing to the vice president.

Levels of Membership:


The Companions are comprised of priests; religious; or third order members/oblates of other religious communities; those impeded from making promises as Dedicated Laity, or vows in the Cloisterite religious institutes; vocational discerners; and non-Catholics.

Dedicated Laity:

The Second Level is reserved for those becoming Dedicated Laity, or our version of a 'third order.'

Manner of Action:

Our Manner of Action is via the internet, and mainly through websites. Should there be more than two Lay Cloisterites in one locality, there may be local meetings. Non-vowed members may reside together in beguinages. In such an arrangement, the residents must have a spiritual director.


The leadership will consist of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The vice president will supervise the membership rolls. If there is not a central headquarters in a Cloisterite establishment, then the center of government will be wherever the president is domiciled.

Amendment of Statutes:

The review and amendment of statutes should be held yearly.

Disbandment of the Association:

Since the Lay Cloisterites are part of the CCMM Ministry of Our Lady of the Cloister, that ministry will have to give approval for the disbandment of the association. Two-thirds majority of the group will be required for requesting disbandment of the association.

Our Lady of the Cloister, pray for us!