***A Proposed Charism that will begin as Congregational Recluses in the CAMM/CCMM Education Division.***
Like mother, like daughter, these nuns garbed in the all white traditional habit will pray especially for those inclined
to follow their bodies into grave sin, and those fighting to stay pure. The White Nuns will also support those who preach
chastity, that the preachers' words will find fertile soil in which to grow.
The White Nuns were one of the first communities Gemma was inspired to found after her reception into the church at age
16. After researching religious orders--trying to find her "true home"--and wanting to devote herself more fully to
the ideals of her Confirmation patron--St. Maria Goretti--on a cold winter's day when school was closed due to snow, Gemma
sensed the Holy Ghost moving within her heart. The nuns would wear a traditional habit as white as the snow which surrounded
her house, uncinctured and free-flowing as the graces these "White Nuns" would call down upon a sex-crazed world.

The White Nuns would be strictly cloistered, gladly offered to the Divine Father for those who lack discipline.
Within their monastic cells, the White Nuns would joyfully offer two hours of meditation, Lectio Divina, or sacred reading
in reparation for those who read bad books, and especially for those who author them. Within their monastic chapel,
with their thoughts on God, the White Nuns would beg for mercy and graces for those who have strayed away from the Good Shepherd's
Fold. In the refectory (monastic dining room), they would offer little sacrifices for those whom St. Paul lamented as
following their stomachs into perdition.
The White Nuns will be trained in both forms of the Mass. Other religious practices will include Divine Office,
Rosary, and adoration.
Stages of Formation and their habits (in accordance with Canon 669) will be:
Nova (three months): white blouse, skirt, thin veil, hose, and shoes.
Postulant (nine months): a white capelet is added to the Nova habit. The thin veil is exchanged for a heavier
Novice (two years): the white habit is received.
Temporary Profession (five to eight years): no changes are made to the habit.
Final Profession: a ring is received.