The primary work of the Poor Clare Colettines is prayer, for the Glory
of God, the Church and all people.
The sisters have various jobs to do within the monastery and its grounds.
This can include administration, housekeeping, cleaning, cooking, laundry and ironing. Gardening is important work for
the sisters. They try to grow their own fruit and vegetables, which are essential for health but expensive to buy.
There are so many other duties that are involved in running a home and religious community that the sisters never have nothing
to do!
The cloistered Colettines work inside the enclosure. The extern
Colettines also work inside the enclosure, but they may be assigned duties outside the enclosure. This can include answering
the door, serving guests/visitors or shopping. If there are no work duties outside of the enclosure, the extern sister
does whatever work she is assigned to do within the enclosure.
Many sisters enjoy craft work, including making rosaries for St. Winefride's
Well in Holywell, Flintshire.
The sisters do not make things to sell for money for themselves or run
any sort of commercial industry. As true Poor Clare Colettines, they rely on donations and gifts to survive. Occasionally,
the extern sisters travel to a parish (within the diocese) to tell people a little about their religious community and to
ask for alms. This is called "Questing" and is an ancient Franciscan practice of trusting that God will provide.
The Poor Clare Colettines keep all benefactors in their prayers.