Religious Practices
The nuns recite the full Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) in
English every day. The Offices are Matins, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline.
The Monastery is attached to the Catholic Parish church, so there
is Mass every day.
There is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every day from 5:50am
to 8:30pm (approximately).
Each sister spends one hour a day in Adoration. This time
is not split-up through the day, but taken as an unbroken watch-time.
Other Meditation times can be in the Choir or the garden.
The Rosary is prayed in community every day. The Franciscan
Crown is prayed on Wednesdays, and the Dolorous Rosary is prayed on Fridays.
Grilles are present in the parlors and in the Church. The
nuns watch the daily Mass through the bars of the grille that looks onto the side of the Sanctuary. A window is opened
for the nuns to receive Communion.
There is no television in the Convent. They have the Internet
for necessary business purposes, and their email is strictly private. To contact the nuns, please write or telephone.
The nuns are mostly vegetarian, and observe fasting. However,
elderly and ill sisters are not expected to fast.
The sisters usually go barefoot. However, if they are going
outdoors, outside the enclosure, or have health reasons, simple footwear can be worn.
All of the Colettines of Ellesmere take the three vows of Poverty,
Chastity, and Obedience. The cloistered nuns make a fourth vow of Enclosure.
The cloistered nuns, mindful of their fourth vow, do not leave
the enclosure, except for health reasons (e.g. doctor/dentist).
Those in formation have lessons, but study and Spiritual Reading
time is worked into the daily timetable for every Sister. It is an important aspect of religious life; to learn and
deepen understanding, for true balance.