***Please note that this proposed charism has been brought under the CAMM/CCMM Combination Division. Those interested in
founding this congregation must begin as CAMM/CCMM Holy Angels Ministers.***
The proposed Dominican Congregation of the Holy Angels will be a multi-apostolate effort, embracing education,
nursing, and other fields where the people of God need assistance. We aim specifically for vocations over 30, but as
a CONF affiliate we have no age limit, save that given by canon law--17.
While being together in the Dominican Spirit, the sisters will have the liberty to propose their own apostolates, which
they can embark upon with the approval of the prioress. Or continue a ministry they started while still "in the world."
While we envision the Holy Angels Dominicans to be the EFLR (Traditional Latin Mass) counterpart of established
Third Order Regular Dominican communities, the community will worship with whatever form of the Mass is available. Prayers
will be in Latin, and devotions will include the Latin Salve Procession. If candidates are not versed in Latin, they
will receive lessons.
Following the traditional schedule of the apostolic sisterhood, the horarium will have the sisters up at 5am, in the
chapel for meditation at 5:30; Morning Prayer (Matins) and Conventual Mass at 6am with breakfast afterward; then dispersion
to their apostolates by 7:30am. Vespers is ideally prayed in common at 5pm, with supper and recreation following. Compline
is prayed at 8pm, with Latin Salve Procession afterward. Lights should be out at 10pm.
Novitiate sisters will be kept separate from the community, except in the refectory and chapel. The levels of formation
will be:
Nova (six months): all white with Miraculous Medal and Dominican lapel pin. Novaship consists of deep prayer life
and introduction to convent routine. If one's apostolate has already been established, and the Nova is bringing it to
the convent, they may continue with the apostolate, but on a limited basis.
Postulant (six months): all black with Miraculous Medal and Dominican lapel pin. Postulance consists of introduction
to Dominican spirituality. Very limited participation in the apostolate.
Novice (2 years): all white Dominican habit is received; the first year is cloistered; second year they are more active,
but not as much as the rest of the community.
Junior Professed (5 years): receives the black veil; fully involved with the apostolate.
Professed: receives a ring
The full Dominican habit, including wimple and guimpe, and consisting of white tunic, scapular, and capelet, with
black veil will be worn. A black, 15-decade rosary will be suspended from a black belt.
Those who feel called to this congregation, but are members of an autocephalous church, or schismatic or sedevacantist
sects are asked to enter deep discernment. Reconciliation with Rome is prerequisite to asking admission. May the
Holy Ghost be your guide.