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Romite Teatina Restoration

"Seek First the Kingdom of God"

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***A Proposed Restoration that will begin as Congregational Recluses for the CAMM/CCMM Social Division.***

The Theatine Nuns of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary were originally founded by Venerable Ursula Benincasa in Italy in 1610.
After a life of active ministry on behalf of the church, Venerable Ursula felt inspired to retire to the eremetical life.  She received a vision of Our Lady, who held the Christ Child.  Here is an excerpt from The Rose Scapular of the event:
       It was on the Feast of Candlemas, a few centuries ago, that Our
       Blessed Lady appeared to a pius maiden named Ursula Benincasa.
       Our Lady was clad in a robe of dazzling whiteness, over which she
       wore a mantel of heavenly blue.  A troop of beautiful virgins, clad
       in the same attire, surrounded their Virgin Queen, who bore her
       Divine Infant in her arms.  The Holy Mother of God smiled graciously
       upon the pius maiden, who was at the time bitterly bewailing her
       sins, and consoled her.
       "My daughter," said she, "dry up thy tears, thy sorrow shall now
       be changed into pure and heavenly joy.  Hearken to the words of
       my Divine Son, whom thou has chosen for thy Spouse."  The
       Infant Jesus now commanded Ursula to found a new order bearing
       the name of Theatine Nuns in honor of the Immaculate Conception.
       This order was to be composed of thirty virgins, who were to wear
       a habit similar to that in which the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared.
       The Divine Infant promised special graces to all those who would
       join this order.
       The pius maiden was rejoiced beyond measure at these happy
       tidings.  In her great charity, she wished that these gracious promises
       might be extended to all the faithful.  She, therefore, besought
       fervently the Mother of Mercy to extend them to all those who
       would wear a Blue Scapular, honor the Immaculate Conception,
       and fulfill the duties of their state in life.  Her prayer was granted,
       and she immediately beheld a great multitude of angels busily
       engaged in distributing the Blue Scapular among the faithful.

The Theatine nuns will distinguish themselves for their devotion to the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, and will honor her under this title while wearing her Blue Scapular.  The nuns will pray & do penance for the conversion of sinners; to ask God's mercy upon the world; and for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.  They will also promote devotion to the Infant Jesus.
The nuns will also practice perpetual abstinence from meat (except when sick).  They will fast on the vigils of Marian feasts, and the fast will become stricter before the feasts of the Immaculate Conception and Corpus Christi.  The nuns will also observe the fasts mandated by the church.
Other fast days will include Friday (accompanied by five hours of eucharistic adoration); Saturday; and the last two days of the Mardi Gras Carnival.
However, the Romite Teatina Restoration nuns will not be so strictly cloistered so as to preclude any contact with family.  Familial visits will be held to once a year.  Papal enclosure will be observed.

The habit will consist of a white tunic, the Blue Scapular, a blue mantle, and a black veil, only adding a navy blue interlocked "AM," for "Ave Maria" on the sky blue scapular as a sign of restoration.

The Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception
Click on the Scapular to go to Cenacle.co.uk

We are open to the possibility that a soul desirous of consecration as a diocesan hermit may adapt this restoration as their own rule of life, with the possibility of the Romite (Italian for hermit) Teatina being an eremitical community in diaspora.

Venerable Ursula Benincasa Receives the Blue Scapular

Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at:
