Nocturnal Courtiers of Jesus the Merciful Infant King

Lay Nocturnal Courtiers

A Private Lay Association of Christ's Faithful

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The Lay Nocturnal Courtiers will be the "third order" for the religious community. 
 Aspirants for the religious community will be vetted through the lay branch.
The Lay Nocturnal Courtiers will issue a proclamation when the Nocturnal Courtiers' preparatory association is formed.

The Lay Nocturnal Courtiers are not obligated to be up all night during the full moon.  They make reparation with their lives, and offer the pure heartbeats of sleep for the same intention.
Simply WAKING UP at 3am will suffice.

Prayers include the Rosary; Chaplet of St. Michael; Chaplet of the Divine Mercy; Chaplet of the Holy Face; Prayers to St. Dymphna; St. Augustine; and Blessed Bartolo Longo.

***Latin is the preferred prayer language of this charism.***

The Lay Nocturnal Courtiers are open to priests and religious from other communities.
We ask the priests to please offer Masses in the Extraordinary Form at 2:30am in order to bring Christ forth at 3am when occult rites conclude.

Prayers of the Association:
(for private use only)
St. Michael the Archangel
Defend us in battle
Be our safeguard
Against the wickedness and snares
of the devil.
May God rebuke him
We humbly pray
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host
By the power of God
Cast into Hell
Satan and all the evil spirits
Who prowl throughout the world
Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen!

Our Lady of Guadalupe,
You whose name means,
"She shall crush your head,"
CRUSH their magick with your graces!
In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen!

Eternal Father,
I offer you the intention
of offering seven Masses
in the Extraordinary Form
in honor of:
The Holy Face of Jesus,
The Precious Blood of Jesus,
The Divine Mercy,
The Immaculate Conception,
St. Joseph, Terror of Demons,
St. Michael the Archangel,
and St. Dymphna, Lay Exorcist,
for the defeat of the Adversary
and his adherents.
(The Our Father/Pater Noster,
with emphasis on "Thy will be done"
and "Deliver us from evil.")

Jesus, as you lovingly referred to the Canaanite woman
of the Gospels as a whelp,
 behold the whelping box
I present to you.
In this whelping box are the
sick puppies of:
(names; groups; etc.)
You said all prayers for sinners were heard
Please hear our prayers for these
sick puppies.
In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Sed libera nos a malo!/But deliver us from evil!