Nocturnal Courtiers of Jesus the Merciful Infant King

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Persons used to working the third shift could potentially find a home with this charism. The "day" begins at midnight, with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form running concurrently with Occult rituals (performed elsewhere, of course, and counter-productive to Christ the King's designs for the world). At 3am, the EFLR should be concluded, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed, to counteract the evil the Adversary's adherents have asked to be proliferated on the earth.

The charism will begin as a lay association comprised of both priests and laity. Please see the Lay Nocturnal Courtiers link above.  Aspirants for the Courtiers will emerge from the lay association, and form a preparatory association with the intention of becoming an institute of religious life.

Religious exercises will include the Chaplet of Divine Mercy; the St. Michael Chaplet; the Rosary; and Mass in the Extraordinary Form.  All prayers will be in Latin.  Prayers for the support of exorcists will also be included.


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