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St. Faustina's "General Summary"

Hidden Disciples of Divine Mercy

Here are excerpts from St. Faustina's "General Summary"  (found in Notebook II) regarding the new Congregation:

There will never be any splendid houses, but only a small church with a small community consisting of a few souls, not more than ten, plus two externs to look after the external affairs of the community and the church.  (Paragraph 536)
Each house will be independent of the others, although they will be closely united by the rule, the vows, and the spirit.  In exceptional cases, however, a sister from one community may be transferred to another and also, if there is a question of founding a new house, some sisters may be transferred, if need be, from another house.  Each house will depend on the local ordinary.  (Paragraph 536)
Each sister will have a separate cell, but life will be communal as regards prayer, meals and recreation.  She is to stand between Heaven and Earth, begging God constantly for mercy on the world and that priests be empowered so that their words be not empty and that they, in their extraordinary dignity and so exposed to risks, might keep themselves completely stainless.  Though these souls will not be numerous, they will be heroic souls.  There will be no room for cowardly or effeminate souls.  (Paragraph 537)

For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!