Charity Associates of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (CAMM)


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Lay Associations follow a loose set of statutes to allow members greater flexibility in the carrying out of the apostolate.
Canon law states that the faithful may belong to as many lay associations as they are attracted. (We suggest that this be done within reason).
Local groups may meet on a regular basis.  St. Vincent's "Little Method" should be implemented.

Draft Statutes:

A private lay association of the faithful dedicated to charitable works in the spirit of St Vincent de Paul, while making reparation for sins against the poor, to be known as the Charity Associates of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, nickname "CAMM". A goal of this organization will be the establishment of the Company of Charity of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (CCMM).

Membership is open to those who support the group's objectives. Aspirants to CCMM are required to meet the entrance criteria for religious life. All are required to be on the main CAMM Lounge group, and appropriate subgroups.

Separation from the group must be either written or electronically mailed.

Our manner of action is through the internet via websites and listservs. Local meetings may be held if there are two or more present in a locality. A modest, distinctive garb incorporating sapphire blue and white with a Miraculous Medal is permitted. If members are attracted to sharing living quarters for the sake of apostolate ("beguinage"), such is permitted. A spiritual director will be required for the beguinages.

A formation program incorporating the history of St Vincent de Paul's works, plus the saints of his congregations, to include the Introduction to the Devout Life, will be implemented.

The center of CAMM government will be wherever the president is domiciled, unless physical headquarters are established.

Review and amendment of statutes will be held every six months for the first three years; then once yearly afterward.

The CAMM statutes are presently a work-in-progress, and will likely be changed at some point of time in the future.

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