Ages: 17 and up. High school education or equivalent required.
Please write us with your personal experiences with pro-life work, to include which class of discerner you would belong
to, with reasons (virgin; penitent; post-abortive; divorced w/annulment; widow--for statistical purposes only); your attraction
to religious life; the number of years you've been discerning; whether you have access to the Latin Mass; and how often you
attend. We also ask for educational levels; one's current work; and Latin proficiency. Those vocations hindered
by impediment (debts; dependents; length of time as Catholic) may participate in the charism as a lay associate in Dr.
Gianna's Assistants for Life (DGAL).
If an aspirant belongs to an Autocephalous church, a schismatic or sedevacantist group, we recommend deep discernment
before making application. Reconciliation with Rome is prerequisite. May the Holy Ghost be your guide.