Sisters of St. Maximilian Kolbe for Good Health

Welcome Nature

***A Proposed Charism that will begin as an active apostolate for the CAMM/ACMM Medical Division.***

Anorexia.  Morbid obesity.  In modern man's search for perfection, one's figure always plays into it.  God expects us to take care of our health so it may serve us to serve Him.

The Sisters of St. Maximilian Kolbe for Good Health will confront the dietary craze head-on with the help of the Martyr of Charity.  St. Maximilian Kolbe has been designated the patron saint of weight loss, and with his heavenly help, these sisters hope to convince the morbidly obese to get off of their couches and double-wide mattresses and learn that God has a plan for them, too.


The sisters will wear a grey and aquamarine habit with large Miraculous Medal and Franciscan cord with Seven Joys Rosary.  White will be worn when teaching or training.  A white apron will be worn with the latter.

The community will be Ecclesia Dei Latin Mass Traditionalist when possible.  Community prayers will be in Latin.

Discerners belonging to an autocephalous church, schismatic or sedevacantist sect are asked to enter deep discernment if attracted to this community.  Reconciliation with Rome is prerequisite to making application.  May the Holy Ghost be your guide.


Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at:

Last updated on 8/13/2024, 9:32:31 PM