Religious Artisans of St. Luke

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***A Proposed Charism that will emerge as Congregational Recluses for the CAMM/CCMM Sacerdotal Division.***

"Let all who see my artwork, see you, O Lord!"

This eremetical community will combine Dominican, Franciscan, and Carmelite spiritualities.  With the Dominicans, study is prayer.  Here, artwork is prayer.  The Artisans will embrace the privilege of poverty (Franciscan) while living in hermitages (Carmelite).
By artwork, we mean anything used to worship God through art.  This could even include religious architecture and interior design; blacksmithing; goldsmithing; silversmithing, etc.
The monastery/hermitage will be in Charterhouse configuration.  There will be two different cloisters--one each for men or women on either side of the chapel.  Those who do blacksmithing or artisans who work with open fire will have their own cloister, so that the danger of fire to the rest of the hermitages--and the noise--is minimized.
The community will be bi-ritual, while preferring the Mass in the Extraordinary Form (MEF/TLM); contemplative prayer; Lectio Divina; Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and the Latin Salve Procession after Compline.
Once a month, the community will come together for a day-long recreation.

Habits: Nova -- all white; Postulant -- all black; Novice -- receives habit with white veil or cowl; Temporary Profession -- receives the black veil or cowl; Final Profession -- receives crucifix ring.
The habit for the women will be white, with white cord cincture, black veil, white wimple and guimpe.  The design is taken from that of St. Catherine of Bologna's habit.
The men's habit will be a white tunic, with black cowl and hood, and white cord cincture.
Both men and women Artisans in all stages of formation will wear a medallion of the Black Madonna (shown above left).  This miraculous image of Mary with the Infant Jesus is reputed to have been painted by St. Luke himself on a wooden tabletop, hence the dark coloration.

A portfolio of artwork will be required of discerners inquiring with this community.  The Religious Artisans of St. Luke will not be putting anyone through art school.  Minimum age allowed by Canon Law is 17.

The novitiate will be housed in separate quarters, with rooms-off-a-hall configuration for the dormitory.  Each member of the novitiate will have a hermitage day once a month.

St. Catherine of Bologna

The patron saints of artists are St. Luke the Apostle; St. Catherine of Bologna, Poor Clare; and Fra Angelico, O.P.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at: