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Sisters of St. Lazarus Raised


Please note that some sisters will have shift work, so this horarium may not apply to them, except perhaps on their days off. 

5:00 am  --  Rise
5:30         --  Meditation
6:00         --  Angelus then Mass
6:45         --  Matins (Morning Prayer)
7:15         --  Breakfast
8:00         --  Report to work stations
12 noon  --  Angelus; Lunch; free time
1:00         --  Resume work
3:00         --  Recognition of Divine Mercy; light collation
5:00         --  Return to convent for Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:00         --  Angelus; Supper; free time
7:00         --  Recreation
8:15         -- Compline; Salve Procession; free time
10:00       -- Lights out 

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