Handmaid Consolers of Our Lady of LaSalette

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***A Proposed Charism that will begin as Congregational Recluses for the CAMM/CCMM Sacerdotal Division.***

The Handmaid Consolers of Our Lady of LaSalette is a proposed charism.

Our Blessed Mother weeping! Does this not stir compassion in one's heart? She fears the loss of the souls of her children, and Her Divine Son's supreme sacrifice being in vain.

In 1846, at LaSalette, France, Mary lamented the world's situation, and asked for the foundation of a men's active community, now known as the Missionaries of LaSalette.

The Handmaid Consolers community will not be directly affiliated with the Missionaries, but will support their mission efforts through cloistered, contemplative prayer. The nuns will also seek to console Our Lady through their lives of sacrifice and penance for the conversion of souls, especially those of priests; pray for the reconciliation between the church and survivors of clergy abuse; and make reparation for those who use God's name in vain. Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a long term goal for the community.

The community will bi-ritual, although the MEF/TLM is preferred. The Rule of St. Clare will be observed, with the Constitutions following Our Lady of LaSalette's message and the gentleness of St. Francis de Sales' spirituality.

Religious Practices will include, but are not limited to, Latin Divine Office, Lectio Divina, and Salve Procession following Compline (Night Prayer). The Chaplets of the Holy Name of Jesus, Our Lady's Tears, and Divine Mercy will also be included. Each sister will have a monthly hermit day. The entire community will have a monthly hermit day, also, and a yearly retreat. Sundays will be observed in the strictest of silence as reparation for the desecration of the Sabbath.

Habit: In accordance with Canon Law 669, the Handmaid Consolers will wear a habit which is as close to Our Lady of LaSalette's as possible: a white tunic, yellow-gold scapular, modified white capelet with LaSalette crucifix, close wimple, and yellow-gold veil. The nuns will wear a topaz and garnet 20-Decade rosary with LaSalette crucifix from a cord cincture. They will not add any of Our Lady's adornments (roses, etc.), as they are her handmaids. The nuns will wear simple sandals.

The Handmaid Consolers' monasteries will have twin towers similar to the LaSalette shrine in France. We intend this first monastery to be the southern U.S. shrine to Our Lady of LaSalette, and the gift shop will carry a great variety of LaSalette devotional items. A new chapter of the Holy Name Society will also find a home in the extern quarters of the monastery.


Aspirant: An aspirant will be requested to correspond with the vocation directress, and make visits to the monastery. When both she and the community feel she is ready, she enters the next stage--Nova.
The entrance date is September 19, the date of the apparition.

Nova: The word means "new," which is exactly what the Nova is--new to community life. Dressed in a white jumper with small gold LaSalette pin, white blouse and veil, she is lovingly introduced to the LaSalette cloistered charism. After three months, she is ready to enter the next stage--Postulant.

Postulant: The "one who seeks." The Nova exchanges her white jumper for the white "candidates' dress" of long-sleeved blouse and skirt with short capelet. She retains the small gold LaSalette pin, and the veil. This stage will last for nine months.

Novice: After receiving a new name and the habit of white tunic, yellow-gold scapular, capelet, cincture, rosary and white veil, the new sister now enters into the intense stage of formation known as Novice. During her "white veil" year, she will delve more deeply into her relationship with her Fiance--Jesus.

Temporary Profession: The sister will receive the yellow-gold veil, and make her vows. She will renew her vows every year for five years.

Perpetual Profession: The sister will pronounce her final vows and receive the LaSalette crucifix.



Our Lady of LaSalette, pray for us!

Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at:
