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Hospital Candy Stripers


HOW DO I. . .
Become a Candy Striper?
Is there a hospital or nursing home in your area?
  Either phone or stop by and ask for the volunteer coordinator.
Please make sure you have the time and transportation available before committing as a hospital volunteer.
The volunteer coordinator will ask you to fill out an application.  This form is for your personal and contact information.  Some hospitals may require a transcript from your high school, others may not. 
Before filling out the application, be sure to ask three persons who know you well if they will be references.
Practice your obedience and ability to keep a secret.  Everything in a hospital is confidential.  What you see there, what you hear there, what you say there stays there. 
General experiences are permitted for sharing, but saying that Mr. A was in the hospital for hernia repair will get anyone fired.


Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at:
