Congregation of the Holy Family

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***A proposed charism that will begin as an active apostolate with the CAMM/CCMM.***

The Congregation of the Holy Family will be of Augustinian spirituality, and comprised of priests, brothers, and sisters, who will go wherever they're needed.  The sisters will focus primarily on education.
The congregation, while Ecclesia Dei Traditionalist at heart, will be trained in both forms of the Mass for the sake of whichever diocese they may end up serving.

The habit for the fathers and brothers will be deep purple, with deep purple cowl capelet.  A silver medal of the Holy Family will be affixed to the capelet, over the heart.  A black 20-decade rosary will be suspended from a black belt.   Sandals will be worn when possible.

The Holy Family sisters will wear a deep purple tunic with capelet of the same color, with the same silver medal as the fathers and brothers.  A white veil will be worn.  A black 20-decade rosary suspended from a black belt will also be worn. When on mission (teaching), enclosed shoes will be worn.  Sandals may be worn within the convent.


Discerners who belong to an autocephalous church, or schismatic or sedevacantist sects are asked to enter deep discernment if attracted to this community.  Reconciliation with Rome is a prerequisite to making application.  May the Holy Ghost be your guide.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with Gemma at: