Good Shepherd Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
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***A proposed charism which will emerge as part of the CAMM/CCMM Social Services Division.***

The Good Shepherd Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus will be a constitutionally enclosed community dedicated to contemplative prayer in the spirit of Blessed Maria Droste Zu Vischering, RGS (pictured at left). The sisters will also conduct a retreat house for reformed young ladies and mature women who wish to lead lives of virtue after a life of immorality.

The spiritual exercises of the sisters will include either form of the Mass (as needed by the local bishop); Latin Divine Office; Latin Rosary and Salve Procession; Lectio Divina; and Mental Prayer. Every First Friday, they will repeat Pope Leo XIII's Consecration of the World to the Divine Heart of Jesus, which was done in response to a vision to Blessed Maria Droste.

The habit will consist of a white tunic and scapular; red cord cincture, white rosary, white wimple and guimpe, black veil, and Divine Heart emblem.

Those who feel called to this community, but belong to an autocephalous church; schismatic, or sedevacantist sect, should enter deep discernment before making application. Reconciliation with Rome is prerequisite. May the Holy Ghost be your guide.


***Please note: we are not affiliated with the mainstream Good Shepherd Sisters***

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