Stella Maris Contemplatives (Cloisterites)

Sancta Regula

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Since the Cloisterites represent all orders, their Sancta Regula (Latin for "Holy Rule") is taken from all rules. The horarium is adapted from the Visitation. 

The Sancta Regula is currently being overhauled and updated, due to information regarding the Society of Mary Reparatrix having been uncovered.  However, the following points are discussed in the Cloisterite Sancta Regula:
Introduction/Overview of the Cloisterite Purpose
Reception of Candidates/Formation Programs/Habit Descriptions
Directory of Prayers
Election of Abbess/Job Descriptions
Rule of Silence Explained
Poverty/Stewardship of Possessions/Physical Plant of the Monastery
Manual Labor
The Sick & St. Bernadette's Infirmary
Penances for Public and Notable Transgressions
Relationship Between Abbess/Abbot and Sisters/Brothers
Cloisterite Outreach Program
Yearly Canonical Visitation
Latin Prayers Used by Cloisterites
Nesting in the Sacred Heart eremitical rule

Return to "Cenobitic Vocation" page.

Our Lady of the Cloister, pray for us!